Atmo: the GHG Inventory and MRV software of the future
Spherical's Atmo is the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) software of the future.
It offers unrivalled features to everyone and allows developing countries to experience CRF tables today.
Full compliance with 2006 IPCC Guidelines including subsequent supplements and refinements;
Full compliance to UNFCCC1 data formats, compatibility with UNFCCC CRF Reporter;
Side-by-side view of data entry and CRF Reporting tables;
Ability to work offline, on Windows, Mac and Linux;
Support to advanced automation of QA/QC procedures;
Security / Sovereignty over national data;
Support to advanced data analysis, Approach 2 Uncertainty and Key Category analyses;
Availability of commercial support;
Integration with national data sources, flexible collaboration and workflow features;
Mature backup, business continuity and disaster recovery provisions;
Guarantee of smooth transition to ETF2, including avoided manual re-work through import of data
from IPCC Software3 and Excel-based4 systems;
Built-in advanced charting and visualizations;
Smooth interaction, user experience (UX) designed by the best experts.
Watch videos of Atmo in action!
No time? No need to get into technical details? This three-minute video for decision-makers provides a quick overview
of Atmo from the business perspective. Slides only - no software demonstration.
A quick 15-minute overview of the evaluation version of Atmo for inventory experts provides essential information and
demonstrates Atmo's main features in action. Full screen view recommended!
Ready to download Atmo and give it a try? Great! This longer training video goes into all practical details
of working with the evaluation version of Atmo: installing and configuring it, getting data and using all of
Atmo's features one by one.
Download the evaluation version and start using Atmo today
Your download will be performed over a secure channel; however, for further security, we recommend to check the
MD5 checksum of files you are downloading and confirm that your operating system is recognizing "Spherical Origins GmbH & Co.
KG" as the publisher during the installation process.
The software is available for MS Windows (version 10 recommended), Mac and (Debian-style) Linux.
It is recommended to update the software immediately upon installation, especially for Mac and Linux versions.
See the training video on how to update Atmo.
Contact us to get support and discuss implementation of Atmo in your country, city or organisation.
We will be happy to provide you with additional information on the possible setups and timing of implementation projects,
service levels and costing of various standard and customized services related to the data management arrangements for
GHG Inventory and MRV systems.
Atmo is more than a GHG Inventory and MRV system, it is a generic platform for data collection and reporting to any
reporting regime. If you need a robust data management solution for your international, national, local or corporate5
reporting, we will be delighted to provide a customization of Atmo for that.
Spherical is an independent software company. We are not affiliated with UNFCCC or UNFCCC secretariat in any way.
The final ETF rules are not yet known. If and where the rules to be adopted by UNFCCC Parties will make
it mathematically impossible to transition to the Enhanced Transparency Framework without additional efforts, these
efforts will not be spared. Spherical is closely following the negotiations and will make efforts to minimize impact of
any incompatible changes for its clients.
At the moment of writing, the compatibility of IPCC Software's data structures and the existing UNFCCC reporting standard
for Annex I Parties is very limited. The import is possible for all inventory variables that have a counterpart with the
same business meaning in the UNFCCC reporting standard. The scope of possible import may increase or decrease as
negotiations of the ETF progress. Spherical is closely following the negotiations and will make efforts to maximize the
scope of possible import for its clients.
An add-on service offered by Spherical in the course of the implementation project. Import is limited to the inventory
variables that have a counterpart with the same business meaning in the UNFCCC reporting standard
Spherical supports Sustainable Development Goals. We map all of our activities to SDGs, and we do not accept business
that hampers or does not contribute to their achievement. In particular, we do not work with weapons producers, tobacco
industry, primary extractors of fossil fuels and some other industries.